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A Follower of Jesus

When Jesus lived on earth, he had many people who followed him. The men and women who followed him were called his disciples. When we say that these people followed Jesus, we mean two things.

First, they followed Jesus. When he went from one place to another, they went with him. When Jesus walked from one city to another, they walked with him.

Second, we also mean that they trusted him. They believed in him. They listened to what he said. They followed the ways that Jesus taught. They obeyed what he told them to do. They tried to follow his example and do as he did. Soon, people would know that these people followed Jesus. Not just because they saw them together with Jesus. But they also saw that these people began to think like Jesus. They would repeat what Jesus said. They did what he had told them to do. They began to act like Jesus.

We can not follow Jesus in the same way these first people did. Today, Jesus is not living on earth in a body. But we can follow Jesus. We can trust him, just as his first disciples did.

But how? We can know what we need to know so that we can follow Jesus because we have the Bible. The Bible tells us who Jesus is. In the Bible, we can read his words. We can know what he said about how to live in a way that pleases God.

So how can we follow Jesus? We begin by believing what the Bible says about him is true. That Jesus is the Son of God. That Jesus died on the cross in our place. That God raised Jesus from death. And that Jesus is alive and will return to make a new heaven and a new earth. He will make the world as God intended it to be.

That is why we built this website. We want to help you read the Bible. We want to help you understand what you read. That is because we want you to understand who Jesus is, so that you can follow him too.

One more thing. When Jesus first said, “follow me,” many people did follow him. So, when he said, “follow me” he was asking people to join him. And he was also saying, “Come and go with us.”

When people said yes and followed Jesus, they were joining other people who followed Jesus too. They all traveled together. They talked about what Jesus said. And they learned how to follow Jesus together.

This is still the best way to follow Jesus. Find a group of people who also want to follow him. A group like that is called a church. Join with them. They will be able to help you—and you will be able to help them too.

The things we write on this website are here to help you follow Jesus. If you have questions, please write and ask. Use the “contact us” link at the top or at the bottom of each page.

We will try to answer your questions as best we can.

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