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Have you gone to a place where you had never been before?
A trip to a new place can be fun. But it can also be frightening. You could get lost because you do not know your way. The Travel Guide is like a map to the Bible. It can get you on the right track while you read.
Map of the Bible
The Travel Guide is like a map. It is like the map that a friend might draw on a small piece of paper. It is a 'map' to help you understand the Bible. It will not tell you everything about the Bible. But it will help you find your way as you read the Bible book-by-book.
The Bible is a large book made up of many smaller books. You may want to look at this map before you start reading a new book of the Bible. The map will help you look for the important people and places in each book.
Pick off where you left off.
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